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Get Paint Strong with AjPHA

AjPHA President Sydney Schmidt is excited to introduce her 2015–2016 Presidential Service Project, Paint Strong. Designed to attract new Youth members, the components of Paint Strong are simple:

  • Raise money to award a scholarship to an AjPHA member in each Zone—14 in all. That requires fundraising of at least $7,000.
  • Reward an AjPHA member recipient in each of APHA’s 14 Zones to receive the scholarship. All current AjPHA members as of May 15, 2016, will automatically be eligible for the random drawing, which will take place at APHA.
  • Recognize our Paint Strong scholarship recipients at the 2016 AjPHA Youth World Championship Show. 

    Hear more about this awesome project from Sydney:

Help us Paint Strong

To accomplish the goal of awarding 14 random scholarships to AjPHA members in 2016, we need your help. All Youth, APHA members and regional clubs are invited to get in on the Paint Strong action.

  • Participate in Paint Strong fundraising. That might including sending in a personal check or hosting a fundraiser of your own, like a benefit horse show class, bake sale or more.
  • Encourage new youth to join APHA. The potential to earn a scholarship just for being a member could be a compelling reason to join the APHA family.
  • Spread the word about Paint Strong. The more people who know about the project means the more success we’ll have. ALL funds raised for Paint Strong will be distributed through the 14 scholarships.

To learn more about Paint Strong or to participate, contact:

Sydney Schmidt
2015–2015 AjPHA President

Christine Henry
Director of Youth Activities

Donations for Paint Strong can be sent directly to Paint Strong C/O Christine Henry, PO Box 961023, Fort Worth, TX 76161.


[Reprinting all or part of this news release is permitted, so long as credit is given to the Paint Horse Journal and a link provided back to apha.com.] 


About APHA

The American Paint Horse Association is the world’s second-largest international equine breed association, registering more than a million horses in 59 nations and territories since it was founded. APHA creates and maintains programs that increase the value of American Paint Horses and enriches members’ experiences with their horses.