About AjPHA
Founded in 1974, the American Junior Paint Horse Association is the Youth division of the American Paint Horse Association. All who are 18 years of age and under (as of January 1) with an interest in Paint Horses are invited to join the “j.”
AjPHA members enjoy the same membership benefits as adult APHA members and can participate in APHA-approved shows and programs. AjPHA also offers activities geared toward Youth members, including a leadership conference, art and photography contests, a virtual series contest, a horse judging contest and more!
As an AjPHA member, you are part of a huge family of friends sharing a common bond—a love for the American Paint Horse. AjPHA offers something for everyone, no matter how long you have been riding, where you live or the discipline you enjoy.

Get Involved

Join AjPHA
Join the American Junior Paint Horse Association family! With members worldwide and great benefits and youth programs to get involved with, you don’t want to miss out. Join AjPHA today!

Show Your Paint Horse
AjPHA members can compete and participate in APHA-approved shows and incentive programs at other events such as Chrome Cash, PBRIP, PAC, E-Shows and more!

Youth Contests
Whether you have a horse or not, AjPHA contests provide Youth members with opportunities to shine in and out of the show arena. Learn more about our contests and how to get involved.