horseIQ World Championship Youth Judging Contest
Hosted at the APHA World Show, young equestrians showcase their skills in evaluating halter and performance classes for conformation, movement and class standards.
Saturday, June 21, 2025, Watt Arena, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, Texas

Contest Details
- 4-H, FFA, AYA, AjPHA and other interested youth groups may participate
- All contestants in the youth division must be 18 years old or under as of January 1 of the current year
- AjPHA membership is not required to participate
- Western attire is required for all contestants (long-sleeve shirt and jeans or slacks; blazer or tie are optional)
- No hats, caps or identifying clothing are allowed
- Youth 14–18
- Youth 13 & Under
- NEW! Youth Limited*
- 14–18
- 13 & Under
*If there are less than 10 entries in either of the Limited divisions, the groups will be combined
Awards will be given in all Youth divisions.
Results are available on
horseIQ Judging Workshop
Want to be a horse-show judge? Desire to know what the judges are looking for in the show ring? Coach a Collegiate or Youth Judging Team and looking for an edge over the competition? The horseIQ Judging Workshop is for you.
Prospective and current judges, as well as judging team coaches and exhibitors from all disciplines in the equine industry are invited to attend. The horseIQ Judging Workshop will be held in tandem with the horseIQ World Championship Youth Judging Contest. Participants will judge the classes during the contest, then after the contest have the opportunity to learn about class cuts, reasons, testing strategies for judges exams, and more.