Paint Alternative Competition
Paint Horses and the sports in which they excel are as versatile as their coat patterns. APHA’s Paint Alternative Competition program rewards your Paint’s success outside of traditional breed shows or for time spent riding or driving. Whether you compete in open shows, discipline organizations or ride for fun, enroll your Paint in PAC to start earning awards.

Join PAC
PAC rewards your Paint’s accomplishments in events outside of traditional breed shows. Results from events like open and 4-H shows, barrel races, team pennings, ropings, horse trials, dressage shows and more become PAC credits that help your Paint earn an official APHA performance record along with year-end and perpetual awards.
Recreational Riding
Earn PAC credits for non-competitive hours spent riding or driving your Paint, too. Log time spent exploring trails, taking lessons, training your horse and more; submit your time log monthly and they’re adapted into PAC credits for your horse’s APHA performance record. Work toward year-end and perpetual awards recognition, too!
Learn More
- Owner & exhibitor/rider must be a current APHA or AjPHA member
- Participants do not have to own the horse
- Ride or drive an APHA horse—Regular or Solid Paint-Bred Registry
- Horse must be enrolled online. Enrollments will not be accepted through any other channel.
- All enrollments expire on December 31 of the enrollment year.
- Horse must be enrolled in PAC before Exhibitor Reports or Riding Logs can be submitted.
All shows (live and virtual) are automatically PAC-approved, provided the show results are retained for one year and classes are open/all-breed. PAC credits cannot be earned from national breed/color associations, including but not limited to AQHA, PtHA, PHBA, or ABRA; they can be earned from national or local discipline associations, such as NSBA, USEF, USHJA, NCHA, NRHA, etc. It is recommended that the judges for PAC events be trained through an organization or be on a recognized judges list.
Show managers are invited to include the PAC logo on their show bills and website, and encouraged to share the PAC flyer with exhibitors.
E-Shows are online show experiences offered by APHA. Participate in these all-breed, virtual horse shows from your home barn. Simply film your performance, submit your video, and APHA judges will judge entries and provide optional feedback.
Participating Paints can earn PAC credits through APHA E-Shows. Whether you are preparing for an upcoming event or just want to see how your skills stack up, APHA’s E-Shows are the perfect tool to help sharpen your performance!
Show Reporting
- Horses must be enrolled in PAC before Exhibitor Reports can be submitted. Online submission is required. Exhibitor Reports are due within 30 days of the show/event and will not be backdated; for shows taking place after December 15, results are due by January 15 to allow for year-end results processing.
- Show secretaries are no longer required to sign PAC Exhibitor Reports. Show secretary contact information is collected to aid in result audits. Corrections must be made within 90 days of the show/event.
- Please review PAC Class Categories prior to results submission. If you’re not sure of the category to use for your results, please email
Recreational Riding
- Time spent riding or driving your PAC-enrolled Paint can be recorded for recognition. Any non-competitive riding/driving activity can be tallied, including trail rides, parades, lessons or practice, fox hunting, clinics and more.
- Recreational Riding Reports must be submitted online each month; December hours are due by January 15 to allow for year-end results processing. All time is figured on a one-horse/one-rider basis and is on the honor system.
Online Reporting
PAC reporting is completed on using your APHA membership account under the Bronze (My APHA) section.
Log in using your APHA member ID number and password; if you do not have a PIN or password, select “Forgot Password” and enter your membership ID. Select “Create an Online Account” and follow the prompts.
PAC Awards
Lifetime Awards
A PAC-enrolled horse can earn the following perpetual titles. Award certificates are provided to the horse owner, and Versatility Champion winners receive additional achievement spotlights. Review the PAC Credit System to see how credits are awarded per event.
- PAC Certificate of Recognition: 20 PAC credits earned in a single category or 500 Recreational Riding hours.
- PAC Certificate of Achievement: 60 PAC credits earned in a single category or 1,500 Recreational Riding hours.
- PAC Superior Achievement: 10,000 Recreational Riding hours.
- PAC Open Versatility Champion: Commemorates earning Certificates of Achievement in five different Open PAC categories.
- PAC Youth Versatility Champion: Commemorates earning Certificates of Achievement in five different Youth or 4-H PAC categories.
- PAC Recreational Riding Achievement Awards: Incremental achievement awards earned at recreational Riding milestones (25 hours of recreational riding equals 1 PAC recreational riding credit). View the levels and current standings online.
Year End Awards
A PAC-enrolled horse can earn the following year-end awards, based on total credits earned in a calendar year.
- PAC Category Year-End Leaders: The top credit-earning horses by category for a single year.
- Open Six PAC Top Five: The top five horses earning the most credits across six or more Open PAC categories in a single year.
- Youth Six PAC Top Five: The top five horses earning the most credits across six or more Youth PAC categories in a single year.
- Six PAC Champion: A horse earning first place in at least six PAC year-end categories in a single year.
PAC World Championship E-Show
This was the first virtual and truly international world championship where you can compete from your home. Just film your performance based on the outlined criteria, submit your video, and our judges will take it from there.
PAC credits and world titles will be awarded for participation!
On opening day, the new patterns are posted and the entry form is open. On closing days, the entry form will close at 5 p.m. CST. Your entry is both your exhibitor/horse entry information, class payment and your videos, so keep that in mind as you plan your rides!
- Open: August 1, 2025
- Close: October 20, 2025 at 5 PM CST
- Judge: TBD
- For PAC-enrolled Paint Horses only
Check out the all PAC E-Show World Championship Results!
Learn More
- Exhibitor and Paint Horse owner must both be current APHA members. Make sure to renew your membership before entering.
- Horses must be registered Paint Horses (Regular Registry or Solid Paint-Bred) and enrolled in the PAC program to compete.
- Critique-Only entries do not have to be PAC-enrolled or an APHA member.
- There are no additional qualification requirements to compete.
- Each class is $40, with an optional $25 for a judge’s critique of your performance.
- Critiques include private, constructive, detailed feedback from an APHA-approved judge, no matter how you place—a great learning tool!
- You can also enter as a critique ONLY, where you do not compete in the classes but can still receive feedback from the judges on your performance. For critique-only entries, you do not have to be PAC-enrolled or in legal tack or attire.
- Upload your video for each class to YouTube, Vimeo, Dropbox, Google Photos or any other video host site that can generate a PUBLICLY VIEWABLE link. You will include this link on your entry form.
To get started, take a look at our classes below. Download the pattern or video specifications, practice and videotape your go, then return here to submit your entry form and videos. After judging is complete, you can receive an email with detailed feedback on your performance if you so choose, and a check if you place in the payout!
Want more detailed information? Watch the E-Shows webinar presented by APHA’s Director of Performance Development.
- All classes are judged according to the current APHA Rule Book.
- Tack and attire must meet requirements outlined in the APHA Rule Book; illegal equipment is grounds for disqualification. Neat and clean presentation takes precedence over “bling.”
- In all Western classes, exhibitor should wear western hat and cowboy boots, a long sleeve collared shirt and pants, ankle length or longer (slacks, trousers, jeans, etc.); shirt, blouse or showmanship type jacket with long sleeves and a collar (band, standup, tuxedo, etc.). A vest accompanied with a long-sleeve shirt or blouse with a collar, and/or a jacket with a shirt that has a collar, is acceptable. Exhibitors wearing attire that has been deemed inappropriate by the judge will be given no score and their entry will be rolled over to the next E-show.
- Optional Western Attire: The use of spurs, chaps, belts, and hard hats are optional.
- Please see SC-195: Western Attire, and SC-240: Western Tack.
- In all English classes, rider should wear a long sleeved collared shirt and breeches. Breeches are to be of traditional shades of buff, khaki, canary, light grey, or rust (or jodhpurs), with high English boots or paddock (jodhpur) boots of black or brown. Black, navy blue or brown hard hat (with harness if jumping fences at any time on the grounds) is mandatory. Exhibitors wearing attire that has been deemed inappropriate by the judge will be given no score and their entry will be rolled over to the next E-show.
- Optional English Attire: Hunt coats of traditional colors such as navy, dark green, grey, black or brown. Maroon and red are improper. A tie or choker. Gloves, half chaps, spurs of the un-rowelled type that are no longer than one inch and crops and bats are optional. Hair must be neat and contained (as in net or braid).
- Please see SC-195: English Attire, SC-200: English Tack, SC-235: Western Attire, and SC-240: Western Tack.
- Horses may only compete in a class once. Multiple exhibitors cannot ride the same horse in the same class.
- Horses may crossover from any Walk-Trot class to any loping classes during the same E-Show. Also no crossover from Walk-Only Showmanship to Showmanship. Walk-Trot exhibitors may enter any non-loping class they choose. Walk-Only Showmanship may enter any riding classes they choose.
- Horses may crossover from any Ranch class into its corresponding Western Performance or English class during the same E-Show (i.e. Ranch Cutting and Cutting, Ranch Trail and Trail, Ranch Riding/Ranch Rail Pleasure and Western Pleasure/Hunter Under Saddle, Ranch Reining and Reining).
- To enter into the Performance Halter classes, the horse must also compete in at least one performance class, excluding showmanship. Horses entered in Performance Halter cannot be entered into regular Halter.
- To enter into the Ranch Conformation classes, the horse must also compete in at least one other ranch class. Horses entered in Ranch Conformation cannot be entered into regular or Performance Halter.
- Follow the class’ posted pattern/format and class filming guidelines; failure to do so is grounds for disqualification.
- Videos must show a continuous shot, and clips may not be edited together.
- Each video should only include one “entry” for a single class.
- Video entries must be taped during the posted show dates and submitted by the posted deadline. Failure to do so is grounds for disqualification.
- The judge’s decision is final.
- The titles “PAC World Champion” and “PAC Reserve World Champion” will be recorded in the horse’s performance record for first- and second-place winners in each class.
- Classes with 1 to 9 entries: Ribbons to 1st-5th
- Classes with 10+ entries: Custom CC Tuscon Backpack to PAC World Champion and ribbons to 2nd-10th
- PAC World Champion, Reserve World Champion, Top 5 and Top 10 backpacks, buckles and jackets are available for purchase from the PH Barn Door.
High-Point Award
$100 PH Barn Door gift card to the highest all-around point-earning exhibitor. Must enter at least five classes to be eligible for the all-around exhibitor award. Exhibitors may show multiple horses.
Open and Youth classes will use the same patterns. If there are two or fewer entries in a Youth class, they will be combined with the corresponding Open class.
- Halter Mares (Youth 18 & Under)
- Halter Mares
- Performance Halter Mares
- Halter Geldings (Youth 18 & Under)
- Halter Geldings
- Performance Halter Geldings
- Halter Stallions
- Performance Halter Stallions
- Tobiano Color Class
- Overo Color Class
- Cutting (Flag)
- Ranch Conformation (Youth 18 & Under)
- Ranch Conformation
- Ranch Cow Work (Youth 18 & Under)
- Ranch Cow Work
- Ranch Cutting
- Ranch Rail Pleasure (Youth 18 & Under)
- Ranch Rail Pleasure (Walk-Trot)
- Ranch Rail Pleasure
- Ranch Reining (Youth 18 & Under)
- Ranch Reining
- Ranch Riding (Youth 18 & Under)
- Ranch Riding
- Ranch Trail (Youth 18 & Under)
- Ranch Trail
- Longe Line (All Ages)
- Showmanship (Youth 18 & Under)
- Showmanship (Walk Only)
- Showmanship
- In-Hand Trail (All Ages)
Speed Events
English Performance
- Hunter Under Saddle (Youth 18 & Under)
- Hunter Under Saddle (Walk-Trot)
- Hunter Under Saddle
- Hunt Seat Equitation (Youth 18 & Under)
- Hunt Seat Equitation (Walk-Trot)
- Hunt Seat Equitation
- Hunter Hack (Youth 18 & Under)
- Hunter Hack
Western Performance
- Reining (Youth 18 & Under)
- Reining
- Trail (Youth 18 & Under)
- Trail (Walk-Trot)
- Trail
- Western Horsemanship (Youth 18 & Under)
- Western Horsemanship (Walk-Trot)
- Western Horsemanship
- Western Pleasure (Youth 18 & Under)
- Western Pleasure (Walk-Trot)
- Western Pleasure
- Western Riding (Youth 18 & Under)
- Western Riding
Film at C