Amateur Division
If competition is what you crave, check out APHA’s Amateur program. APHA has three Amateur divisions that give people the opportunity to compete comfortably against peers at their skill level: Amateur, Novice Amateur and Amateur Walk-Trot.
To be eligible to compete as an Amateur, exhibitors must be at least 19 years old (as of January 1 of the current year) and a non-professional. Remuneration and judging restrictions for Amateurs are outlined in Rule AM-010 in the APHA Rule Book.

Ready to Show?
Amateurs can only hold one of the following eligiblity cards at a time:
Card Types
Amateur ONLY: for seasoned competitors who are not professionals
Novice Amateur: a more introductory level for less-seasoned exhibitors. It is possible to be Novice in some categories and Amateur in others based on points, money earnings and/or championships. Review your APHA Novice Eligibility before applying:
- Less than 75 total points earned in a category (including Open, Amateur, Novice Amateur, Youth and Novice Youth)
- For Zones 12, 13 and 14, it’s a total of 25 points.
- Less than $2,500 in prize money earned in a category
- Cannot hold a world champion or reserve world champion title in a category
Amateur Walk-Trot: a division for those that only want to walk and trot/jog.
Amateurs must show a horse owned or leased by themselves or an immediate family member. If a horse is owned jointly or by an entity/ranch the Amateur must be related to all owners. A transfer report is usually be found on the back of your horse’s original registration papers; you can submit a transfer or show lease online.
Remember, a show lease must be on file with and processed by APHA prior to the first date of the show. The recorded owner of the horse cannot show the horse during the time an active show lease is in effect.
For full details about Amateur ownership rules, please review the APHA Rule Book.
College/University Owned Horses
APHA allows students to show a horse from their college’s equine program in the APHA Amateur or Novice Amateur classes. For those new to Paint shows or away at college, it provides a great chance to begin your showing career.
To take advantage of this opportunity, the student must qualify for Amateur or Novice Amateur status. Submit an application that includes a signature from the college’s equestrian team coach or equine program instructor, a list of the horses on which the student wishes to compete, verification of the student’s enrollment in at least 12 credit hours and a photocopy of the student’s university identification. For APHA purposes, the spring semester is designated from January 1–June 30, with the remainder of the year denoted as the fall semester.
I need an Amateur/Novice Amateur Card/Walk Trot Card.
Amateur cards run January 1–December 31 and must be renewed annually. Show cards are separate from the APHA membership. An active individual APHA membership is required prior to purchasing your Amateur Card. Amateur Cards cannot be held by joint/ranch memberships.
If you need an Amateur Card for December 2024, please contact the Amateur Department.
I have a card for this year, but I need to change the type of card I have.
If you currently have an Amateur card (Amateur, Novice Amateur or Walk-Trot), you can request a reclassification one time in a calendar year.
- Amateur cardholders can reclassify to:
- Novice Amateur
- Novice Amateur cardholders can reclassify to:
- Amateur
- Walk-Trot cardholders can reclassify to:
- Amateur
- Novice Amateur
You cannot reclassify from Amateur or Novice Amateur to Walk-Trot in the same calendar year. You may reapply for a Walk-Trot card the following year.
Rule Book: AM-300.C.2
I haven’t earned points in over 10 years and want to be a Novice again.
You are eligible for Novice Reinstatement if you meet all of the following qualifications:
- You are no longer Novice-eligible for the category.
- You have not earned ANY (Open, Amateur, Novice Amateur, Youth, Novice Youth) points from APHA or any other recognized equine association in that category in the 10 years prior to your reinstatement application.
- You have not earned a world champion or reserve world champion title from APHA or any other recognized equine association in that category in the 10 years prior to your reinstatement application.
- You have not earned money from APHA or any other recognized equine association in that category in the 10 years prior to your reinstatement application.
Points do not “expire” from your record; the only way to have your points in a category reset is by applying for and meeting the reinstatement requirements.
Rule Book: AM-205.A.5
Each year, APHA approves over 1,200 shows in the United States, Canada and abroad. Chances are there’s a show near you. For a list of upcoming events in your area, please refer to the Calendar of Events or contact your local APHA regional club.
A few important pieces of paperwork are essential to showing your horse. Before you head to a show, make sure you have physical or digital versions of the following:
- Health and/or Coggins Papers: Check with show management and your state veterinarian’s office to determine exactly what paperwork is required to transport your horse to the show facility.
- Membership and Show Cards: Your membership card and/or show card, a legible photocopy or digital download must be presented at the show.
- Registration Papers: A copy of your horse’s registration papers must be presented at the show. Amateur and Youth exhibitors must be able to prove ownership by presenting the APHA registration certificate or a legible photocopy with the correct owner’s name printed on the certificate by the APHA office. Exhibitors showing leased horses must present the APHA Show Lease certificate, physically or digitally.

- PHcentral
- Amateur Card Application
- Reinstatement Application
- Reclassification Application
- Online Show Lease Authorization and Cancellation
- Printable Show Lease Authorization
- Printable Show Lease Cancellation
- College/University Lease Application
- Novice Eligibility Checker
- Amateur/Youth Record Request