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Association expert Bob Harris shares secrets to help your organization thrive at the 2023 APHA Convention

Bob Harris, one of the leading experts on association wellbeing, will share ways to strength organizations, tailored for association leadership. It’s exclusively available at the 2023 APHA Convention on Saturday, February 25 at 9 a.m., taking place at Hotel Drover in Fort Worth, Texas.

Not an APHA member? No problem. You’re invited to register and attend this session to learn how to optimize leadership in your own organization.


“Mr. Harris’s expertise is known throughout the association world,” APHA Executive Director Billy Smith said. “He’ll bring a fresh perspective to our leaders and to those representing other equestrian organizations looking to address the challenges of a rapidly changing volunteer workforce.”

Bob is a certified association executive who works with thousands of organizations to improve performance and outcomes. His work also extends internationally, reaching Jordan, Japan, Egypt and many other countries. He believes nonprofit organizations should be as efficient as any commercial business or franchise.

Bob is often referred to as the “Martha Stewart of association management” for providing tips and templates to make governance and management more efficient. He makes those tools available through nonprofitcenter.com. He also has 35 years in the Florida hotel industry.

“Core to APHA’s strategic plan is a commitment to education,” Billy said. “It’s critical that we provide expertise to those organizations that produce Paint Horse and other equestrian events around the world with the best opportunity for success.”

Make plans to join this discussion, and the entire 2023 APHA Convention. Full details, event registration and hotel room block details are at apha.com/events/convention.



[Reprinting all or part of this news release is permitted, so long as credit is given to the Paint Horse Journal and a link provided back to apha.com.]

About APHA

The American Paint Horse Association is the world’s second-largest international equine breed association, registering more than a million horses in 59 nations and territories since it was founded in 1962. APHA promotes, preserves and provides meaningful experiences with Paint Horses.