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Dog Days

To The Dogs
Winter 2019 Quiz

Not all service/support dogs are created equal! Hilton Butler, Chrome’s canine columnist, explained the difference between therapy, service and support dogs in his Winter 2019 Chrome column—take the quiz below to see if you can spot the differences between these pooches.

Q: What kind of dog helps a person when they experience social anxiety while flying or in crowded areas?

A: Emotional support dog


Q: What kind of dog is needed at school to help children experiencing anxiety?

A: Therapy dog


Q: What kind of dog is needed to help with mobility issues?

A: Service dog


Q: What kind of dog offers companionship in day-to-day activities for a specific person?

A: Emotional support dog


Q: What kind of dog is needed to protect someone who is having a seizure?

A: Service dog


Q: What kind of dog is needed to remind a person to take their prescription?

A: Service dog


Q: What dog helps a person with autism?

A: Service dog


Q: What kind of dog works with numerous people?

A: Therapy dog


Q: What kind of dog calms a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

A: Service dog