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USRider and ACTHA Join Forces

Megan Brincks | Paint Horse Journal | April 21, 2014

5_3APHA memberships for recreational riders just got a little sweeter after an agreement between the American Competitive Trail Horse Association and USRider.

In a three-year agreement, USRider and ACTHA will promote each other and help bring awareness to what each offers. Additionally, members of each will experience for special offers from each during the partnership.

USRider is APHA’s official roadside service provider, and APHA members get savings on USRider memberships through APHA Xtras. Additionally, APHA members riding at ACTHA events earn double Ride America hours.

APHA also recently developed new membership levels specifically designed for recreational riders:

  • The Trail Boss ($80): Includes a one-year APHA membership, annual enrollment in the Ride America program, a free gift and a one-year subscription to The Trail Rider magazine.
  • The Wrangler ($40): For current APHA members, includes annual enrollment in the Ride America program, a free gift and a one-year subscription to The Trail Rider.
  • The Day Rider ($15): For current APHA members who are already enrolled in Ride America, includes a one-year subscription to The Trail Rider.
[Reprinting all of part of this story is permitted, so long as credit is giving to the Paint Horse Journal and a link provide back to apha.com.]