Search for Distinguished Service Award nominees

The American Paint Horse Association is accepting nominations from APHA members for individuals worthy of receiving the Distinguished Service Award. The Distinguished Service Award honors an outstanding APHA member each year. Recipients are selected to recognize their long-term commitment and contributions to the association and the breed at the regional, state, or national level.

To nominate a candidate, submit a written description of the projects the nominee has worked on and verification that the person meets the award’s eligibility requirements. These requirements include:

  • APHA member in good standing for a minimum of 15 years
  • Must own, or have previously owned, a Paint Horse
  • Involvement in regional association leadership
  • Service as a regional officer, director, or committee member
  • Must have made a major contribution to a regional, state, or national activity
  • Cannot be an APHA past president

Nominations must be received in the APHA office by December 1. Verbal nominations will not be accepted. The APHA Distinguished Service Award Selection Committee comprises the three most recent past presidents.

Email nominations to or mail them to:

Distinguished Service Award Committee

C/O Jennifer Crites, APHA

122 E Exchange Ave, Suite 420

Fort Worth, TX 76164


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About APHA

The American Paint Horse Association is the world’s second-largest international equine breed association, registering more than a million horses in 59 nations and territories since it was founded in 1962. APHA promotes, preserves and provides meaningful experiences with Paint Horses.