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APHA’s 2013 Year End standings now official

January 29, 2014

Points earned by competitors at APHA-approved shows from January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013 have been tallied, thoroughly checked and are now official.

This means that the standouts from the 2013 show season can be recognized and dually rewarded by the association and their peers.

APHA Year End awards include:

  • Open Top 20
  • Open Solid Paint-Bred Top 10
  • Classic Amateur Top 20
  • Masters Amateur Top 20
  • Novice Amateur Top 20
  • Amateur Solid Paint-Bred Top 10
  • Youth 13 & Under Top 20
  • Youth 14-18 Top 20
  • Youth Solid Paint-Bred Top 10
  • Amateur Rookie of the Year
  • Youth Rookie of the Year
  • Open Honor Roll
  • Open Honor Roll – Junior
  • Open Honor Roll – Senior
  • Open Solid Paint-Bred Honor Roll
  • Amateur Halter Honor Roll
  • Classic Amateur Honor Roll
  • Masters Amateur Honor Roll
  • Novice Amateur Honor Roll
  • Amateur Solid Paint-Bred Honor Roll
  • Amateur Walk-Trot Honor Roll
  • Youth Halter Honor Roll
  • Youth 13 & Under Honor Roll
  • Youth 14-18 Honor Roll
  • Youth Solid Paint-Bred Honor Roll
  • Open Zone
  • Open Solid Paint-Bred Zone
  • Classic Amateur Zone
  • Masters Amateur Zone
  • Novice Amateur Zone
  • Amateur Solid Paint-Bred Zone
  • Youth 13 & Under Zone
  • Youth 14-18 Zone
  • Youth Solid Paint-Bred Zone

To see how you finished the year, visit http://www.aphaonline.org/APHAOnline/pub/perfrev2.aspx?yr=2013

Watch for a comprehensive listing, along with photographs, stories and interviews in the April Paint Horse Journal. Not yet a subscriber? Visit http://phj.apha.com/subscription and get in-the-know today!

PLEASE NOTE: All Top 20 finishers, along with Honor Roll Champions (#1) and Zone Champions (#1) are asked to email a photo of yourself with your horse to be used in the April PHJ. Staff will be contacting you via email and postal mail, but you can help speed up the process by emailing your photo and name / award reference to yearendphotos@apha.com.


[Reprinting all or part of this news release is permitted, so long as credit is given to the Paint Horse Journal and a link provided back to apha.com.]


About APHA

The American Paint Horse Association is the world’s second-largest equine breed association, registering more than a million horses in 59 nations and territories since it was founded. APHA creates and maintains programs that increase the value of American Paint Horses and enriches members’ experiences with their horses.