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2016 APHA Director Election Open: Vote Today!

Voting for the 2017 APHA National Director election is now open, via the secure voting site ElectionBuddy.com. APHA members—the choice is in your hands: every director position is open during this election, and elected directors will serve a three-year term from 2017 to 2020.

Every APHA member as of September 1, 2016, is eligible and encouraged to vote in this election. One ballot per APHA member ID number is allowed. Members—look for a special email from ElectionBuddy titled “Vote Now” that was sent to all member email addresses on-file; simply click the link inside for access to your ballot. Voting is open September 15 to October 15.

The link will take you to the ballot for your specific voting area, where you’ll see names of candidates running for national director spots. The link will tell you how many positions are open, and you can select up to that number of candidates or even write-in candidate suggestions.

Be an informed voter by checking out the National Director candidate bios online at apha.com/association/directors. Each candidate was required to submit information in an effort to introduce themselves to voters.

View 2016 National Director Election Candidate Bios

Need voting assistance? Contact LeaderCare Director Theresa Brown at tbrown@apha.com or 817-222-6403.


[Reprinting all or part of this news release is permitted, so long as credit is given to the Paint Horse Journal and a link provided back to apha.com.]

About APHA

The American Paint Horse Association is the world’s second-largest international equine breed association, registering more than a million horses in 59 nations and territories since it was founded. APHA creates and maintains programs that increase the value of American Paint Horses and enriches members’ experiences with their horses.