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Celebrate the life of APHA’s founder in this month’s free read

Rebecca Tyler Lockhart was a visionary with a passion for Paint Horses and the drive to create a legacy that would last far beyond anyone’s expectations. In the August 2015 Paint Horse Journal, readers can explore the story of Rebecca’s life and the foundation for what would become the world’s second largest equine breed registry.

“A Legend Among Horsemen” is free from the PHJ—read about Rebecca’s story and more in the August 2015 issue or online. Other stories in the Paint Horse Journal include:

  • APHA trainer Mark Smith explains how to use suppleness to create a more responsive performance horse in “Flex Ability.”
  • If vet school is your aim, see what it’s like to be a vet–in–training at the University of California–Davis in “Vet Check.”
  • Check out the stories of four APHA longe line champs “Down The Line” as we look at their careers beyond their longe line success.
  • Judges share their secrets to making a good impression in the show ring in “Front & Center.”

Are you a Paint Horse lover? The Paint Horse Journal is the only publication dedicated to the Paint Horse industry. Get in on the action by subscribing to the Paint Horse Journal. A one-year subscription for APHA members is only $30.

Have a great story idea? Connect with the Journal team at feedback@apha.com.


[Reprinting all or part of this news release is permitted, so long as credit is given to the Paint Horse Journal and a link provided back to apha.com.]

About APHA

The American Paint Horse Association is the world’s second-largest international equine breed association, registering more than a million horses in 59 nations and territories since it was founded. APHA creates and maintains programs that increase the value of American Paint Horses and enriches members’ experiences with their horses.