
APHF Scholarship Application Frequently Asked Questions

When can I apply?
You must apply the year you graduate from high school or within two years after high school graduation. If there are special circumstances, please contact the APHF at foundation@apha.com before you fill out an application.
If I am not awarded a scholarship, can I apply the next year?
Yes, as long as you originally apply within two years after high school graduation, you can reapply.
If I am awarded a scholarship, is it renewable?
Yes, scholarships may be automatically renewed up to the equivalent of 8 semesters if you maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher and take at least 12 credit hours per semester. There is a renewal process, but it is different and much simpler than the application process.
When are the applications due?
Applications must be postmarked by March 1 (faxes not acceptable) of the year in which the applicant wishes to receive the grant.
How long will it take me to fill out the application.
It is not a bad idea to start on your application in October or November of the fall semester. Your information needs to be as complete as possible and the more information, the better. One of the requirements is to write up a “Education Plans and Goals” essay. Take some time on this, it is your one opportunity to really introduce yourself to the panel that grades the applications. But make sure that your essay is also compatible with the other information requested on the application. For example, don’t talk about 4-H activities in your essay and leave it out in the “Outside APHA Activities” section of the application. If you leave a section blank, indicate why you left it blank. For example, if you don’t have any Regional Club activities because there is no regional club anywhere near you, indicate that in the appropriate area.

Do I have to be an APHA member?

Yes, you must be an AjPHA/APHA member in good standing for three years. You must also maintain your AjPHA/APHA membership throughout the term of your scholarship.
Do I have to show Paint horses?
No, you do not have to show, but must be involved in horse activity using a Paint Horse or contributing actively to a Regional Club for at least three years prior to and at the time of application.  APHA approved events include but are not limited to PAC; mounted shooting; and Dressage.  The more things you do with your Paint horse the better.
Who should I ask to complete the recommendation form for me?
Look over the questions carefully to determine who will be able to best answer the questions on your behalf. They are aimed more towards a schoolteacher or counselor. Make sure you stress the importance getting the form completed and mailed it in before March 1st. For convenience, there is also an online recommendation form.
What if there is not enough room on the application for my answers?
It is fine to attach additional page(s) of information if there is not enough room on the form for your answers.
When will I be notified if I am receiving a scholarship or not?
You will receive notice of your scholarship status by mail around July 1.
I know the APHF offers several club and memorial scholarships.  Do I have to apply for those separately?
No, just complete the one application and you are automatically verified of eligibility for all scholarships available through the APHF.  However most of the club scholarships require a membership in their Regional Club, so be sure to verify your membership is current with them before you send in your application.
Please use paperclips rather than staples as copies must be made of your application. Put your name on the back of your photo. Don’t fold the pages; send in a 9” x 12” envelope.