
Submission Guidelines

Read Me!

Who We Are
The Paint Horse Journal is the monthly publication of the American Paint Horse Association. Our readers are Paint Horse enthusiasts with a range of interests as wide as the world of equestrian activities.
Our Editorial Needs
The Journal is always interested in good story ideas about Paint Horses and people—the owners, breeders and trainers. Well-written and photographed articles on outdoor activities such as trail rides are also welcomed.
Articles and photography from experienced equine freelancers is accepted on occasion. Email Editor Jessica Hein at jhein@apha.com with story ideas and submissions.
The Journal does not accept poetry or stories unrelated to the Paint Horse industry.
Please Query First
Before submitting a freelance article to the Journal, send a query letter or contact Editor Jessica Hein at jhein@apha.com. Email queries are preferred, and physical manuscripts will not be returned.
If your query idea is accepted, you will be asked to provide a complete outline of the article, including a list of potential sources (to be approved by APHA) and photos that might accompany it.
Article Length and Style
Feature articles generally run between 1,000 and 2,000 words. Longer articles may be accepted if the content warrants the expanded coverage. Long, rambling essays will be rejected, as will opinion pieces or manuscripts that have not been carefully researched or that contain factual errors. Poorly organized submissions containing misspellings or improper use of grammar or punctuation may also be rejected.
The main consideration is the accurate presentation of facts in a concise, interesting manner. Read previous issues to format your article to the magazine’s accepted style and tone. All accepted submissions will be edited by staff.
Short articles are often used, and may include how-to, where-to-go, or special interest topics.
The Journal uses the latest edition of the Associated Press Stylebook as its style guide. Our dictionary of choice is the Random House Webster’s College Dictionary.
Submissions should be emailed to jhein@apha.com.
Suitable photographs are an integral part of an editorial submission and are considered part of the complete editorial package. They should be visually interesting, while clearly illustrating the major points made in the article and feature a registered American Paint Horse.
Freelance photography needs are discussed on a per-article basis and needs will be outlined with the freelancer in advance whenever possible. Preference is given to freelancers who can both write and photograph their assignments. If the writer has agreed to supply photographs but cannot take good-quality photos to accompany a manuscript, he or she should arrange to have photos taken.Payment for images is discussed on an individual basis.
When taking photos, fill the frame with the subject. A long focal-length lens often enhances an equine subject, providing the best photograph. Shoot both horizontal and vertical format photos so the Journal’s graphic artists have flexibility in designing a layout. Subjects should appear well-groomed and professional.
We prefer RAW or high-resolution digital images. In general, Polaroid, iPhone or smartphone images, and snapshot camera photographs will not be of the quality required.
As a rule, photographs are not purchased independently of editorial. However, exceptional photographs are sometimes used in Journal or APHA marketing material.
The photographer must provide the name of the horse or horses being photographed, and have permission of the owner to submit the images to the Paint Horse Journal. All horses must be registered with the American Paint Horse Association.
Once Your Manuscript has been Submitted
The Journal editorial staff reviews all submissions for content quality and suitability. Once accepted, manuscripts are edited to conform to Journal style. The editorial staff will contact freelancers regarding submissions and queries to accept, reject or discuss details.
Payment Policy
Once an article has been accepted, an offer of payment will be made.
Contact the Journal at:
P.O. Box 961023
Fort Worth, TX 76161-0023
(817) 834-2742