Stay in the loop with APHA emails

Have you been told to expect an email from us but nothing ever came, not even in your spam inbox? APHA didn’t forget about you, we promise. More than likely, one of two things happened and they are both easy to fix.

  • You’ve unsubscribed previously to an email.

It might seem like a small thing to unsubscribe to one email, but by doing so, you are actually unsubscribing to ALL mass email communications from APHA. This includes emails pertaining to important event and program deadlines, member benefit programs like APHA Xtras, and even money-saving coupons from our sponsors! We are not able to add you back in ourselves; we need your permission.

The Fix: If you go to the APHA website, depending on how often you visit, a dialog box will appear that says, “Stay in the Loop.” If that does not automatically appear, scroll down to find the same prompt in the lower right part of the homepage. Provide the best email to reach you, and you’re automatically back in our system. By doing this, you are giving our system the permission it needs send emails to you.

  • Your correct email isn’t on file with APHA.

Your APHA member information might not have an email address listed, or it might be an outdated one that you don’t use any longer.

The Fix: Email with your name, physical address, APHA member ID number (if you know it), and the best email address to use. This is also a good way to let us know of any other updates you need to make, such as a new phone number and physical address. If you aren’t sure what information we have on file, send an email anyway. That will let us double-check your information and you won’t miss any important information and deadlines.

Sometimes having the correct email can make all the difference. APHA has so much exciting and beneficial information to share with our members—we don’t want you to miss a single thing! But don’t worry, we don’t send EVERYTHING to EVERYONE. We promise to only send you information that pertains to you and your specific interests.

Let’s keep the lines of communication open. APHA is here to help, and we want you to get the most out of your membership.



[Reprinting all of part of this story is permitted, so long as credit is given to the Paint Horse Journal and a link provide back to]

About APHA
The American Paint Horse Association is the world’s second-largest international equine breed association, registering more than a million horses in 59 nations and territories since it was founded in 1962. APHA’s mission is to inspire, nurture, promote and provide meaningful experiences to generations interested in preserving the versatile Paint Horse.