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Billy Smith named to American Horse Council Board of Trustees

The American Horse Council is pleased to announce APHA Executive Director Billy Smith has been selected to serve on the American Horse Council Board of Trustees. He joins Jean Ligon, chair of the Coalition of State Horse Councils, in filling two at-large seats on the AHC Board of Trustees. Announced in September 2017, the addition of the two at-large seats came after a review of a task force formed to review the AHC’s overall governance structure and ensure relevancy and best practices.

“We look forward to working with the new additions to the Board of Trustees,” AHC President Julie Broadway said. “Both of them bring different perspectives to the current makeup of the trustees, and combined with their extensive backgrounds in the equine industry they will be helpful in guiding the AHC through its strategic plan and through industry issues the next two years.”

The executive director of the world’s second largest equine breed association, Billy graduated in 1984 from the University of North Texas with degrees in business and journalism, and in 1989 with a master’s degree from Texas Tech University in public relations and advertising; he completed a doctorate in education in 1999. He spent eight years as a practicing journalist covering medical and scientific subjects as well as a stint covering the closing of wars in both El Salvador and Nicaragua. He taught journalism for 10 years at West Texas A&M University and led a small market research firm, Strategic Media Research, before joining the American Quarter Horse Association where he served as executive director of information technology and various marketing roles for 13 years. His is married to Melinda Kay Moreland, a 1984 graduate of Baylor University, and has two children, Lauren, an attorney in New York City and a graduate of Baylor University and Hunter, a member of the United States Marine Corp.

“I’m grateful for all of the support APHA has received in the past from its association with the American Horse Council,” Billy said. “In being elected to the Board, I’m hopeful to give something back as we work to address challenges facing the industry as a whole.”

Information about the Governance structure of the AHC can be found on the AHC’s website here: http://www.horsecouncil.org/governance/. Please contact the AHC at info@horsecouncil.orgfor any further questions.

[Reprinting all of part of this story is permitted, so long as credit is given to the Paint Horse Journal and a link provide back to apha.com.]
About APHA
The American Paint Horse Association is the world’s second-largest international equine breed association, registering more than a million horses in 59 nations and territories since it was founded. APHA promotes, preserves and provides meaningful experiences with Paint Horses.

About the American Horse Council
 As the national association representing all segments of the horse industry in Washington, D.C., the American Horse Council works daily to represent equine interests and opportunities. Organized in 1969, the AHC promotes and protects the industry by communicating with Congress, federal agencies, the media and the industry on behalf of all horse related interests each and every day. The AHC is member supported by individuals and organizations representing virtually every facet of the horse world from owners, breeders, veterinarians, farriers, breed registries and horsemen’s associations to horse shows, race tracks, rodeos, commercial suppliers and state horse councils.