
Trail Rides

Trail riding is a perfect opportunity to bond with your horse, meet other riding enthusiasts and see beautiful countryside from the back of your horse. It’s also a great opportunity to fulfill your regional club’s annual event requirement, to help maintain a club charter with APHA.

Regional Club Trail Ride Application

Regional Rides

Check back often to see what rides are offered.


APHA PAC program

For those who prefer to ride at their own pace, the association offers two recreational riding categories in the APHA PAC program: Recreational Riding and Youth Recreational Riding. Through this saddle-log program, members earn rewards and recognition for their achievements riding or driving an American Paint Horse.

When riders enroll in PAC, they record each hour spent riding or driving their American Paint Horse (not including APHA-approved shows) and as they move through achievement levels—from 100 to 10,000 hours—APHA records their accomplishments.

For more information about APHA trail rides, email cgrier@apha.com, or call 817-222-6413.