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APHA’s ShowDay business portal becomes PH Central

APHA’s ShowDay business portal, launched in 2018, gets a new, easier-to-remember name on June 15. . . PH Central. Expect to see the ShowDay name and URL (apha.myshowday.com) replaced with the new PH Central logo and web address (PHcentral.com). The transition should be seamless as the old URL redirects to the new.

The site remains the same – it was simply re-branded as PH Central to provide a more succinct and appropriate name, and to better reflect its role in the American Paint Horse Association family of sites. If you previously had a ShowDay account, your existing account will still work at PHcentral.com.

PH Central is APHA’s one-stop online portal for APHA business. It’s a faster, more streamlined and often less-expensive way to submit select APHA work online, rather than mailing work to the APHA office.