Showing & Racing
AjPHA has competition opportunities available for every Paint Horse enthusiast! APHA has developed programs for every level of interest and skill, and AjPHA members can take full advantage of these opportunities. With APHA-approved events ranging from regional shows to World Championships, if your goal is to reach new levels of performance, a Paint Horse can take you there!
If you want to compete on your Paint Horse at non-APHA approved events, check out the incentive programs such as Chrome Cash, Paint Barrel Racing Incentive Program, Paint Alternative Competition, E-Shows and more! All of these programs are available to AjPHA members—no matter what sport you do, your Paint Horse has what it takes to succeed!

Start Competing on Your Paint Horse
Youth Division
The Youth division is for unmarried individuals that are 18 years of age & under as of January 1. Married individuals may apply for the Amateur or Novice Amateur Division.
Novice Youth Division
The Novice Youth division is for Youth with limited show experience in a particular category of classes.
Novice Youth eligibility is based on a per category basis, with 25 different categories available. To be eligible for Novice status in a category, at the time of application, an individual cannot have earned any of the following in a recognized equine association:
- 75 or more revalued points (25 revalued points for Zone 12, 13 & 14 exhibitors), excluding Walk-Trot division points;
- $2,500 or greater in prize money in that category; or
- A world or reserve world title in that category.
A rider can review their Novice eligibility on the Exhibitor Novice Eligibility page.
Youth Walk-Trot (ages 5-10)
Youth Walk-Trot 5-10 is a division for Youth that are between 5 to 10 years of age as of January 1 and only want to compete in Walk-Trot classes. When an exhibitor enters these Walk-Trot classes at a show, they may not enter any other classes at the show, except for halter and showmanship.
Youth Walk-Trot (ages 11-18)
Youth Walk-Trot 11-18 is for Youth members who only want to show in Walk-Trot classes and are between age 11 and 18 as of January 1.
To be eligible for the Youth Walk-Trot 11-18 division, an exhibitor cannot have earned a world or reserve world championship title in a corresponding class. They may not enter any lope classes at any show while holding a Walk-Trot card.
Leadline is a class for Youth between 3 and 8 years of age as of January 1. The horse is led by an individual age 16 or older and the contestant must show some knowledge of equitation/horsemanship.
A horse exhibited in a Youth class does not have to be owned by the Youth showing the horse. Ownership requirements must be met, however, to be eligible for points, titles and awards sponsored by APHA; those require the horse is owned/leased by the Youth or an immediate family member, or a family-owned corporation, ranch or farm. For a list of approved family relationships, see rule YP-015 in the APHA Rule Book.
- No ownership requirements are needed for leadline.
If you or an immediate family member will not be owning the horse you plan to show, you must submit a Show Lease on PHcentral to meet the Youth ownership requirements and be eligible for APHA points, titles, awards and to compete at the World Show.
You bought a Paint Horse, what’s next?
Upon acquiring your American Paint Horse, you will need to transfer your horse’s ownership. You must have a current APHA or AjPHA membership to transfer a horse into your name. A transfer report can usually be found on the back of your horse’s original registration papers, or you can submit the Transfer Report form with your horse’s certificate. The fastest and most effective way to transfer a horse is online through, but you can also submit the paperwork to the APHA office. Exhibitors attending an upcoming event may need to submit a rush fee and have their transfer paperwork rushed if they are submitting the work to the APHA office. The recorded owner on the official APHA registration papers of a horse at the time of the show can affect the divisions in which the horse is eligible to show.
All exhibitors at an APHA-approved show must possess a current individual membership. Memberships may be purchased online through
Youth Division
Exhibitors must possess an individual AjPHA membership. Memberships may be purchased online through for the lowest rates and the fastest turn-around time.
Novice Youth Division
Exhibitors must possess an individual AjPHA membership and Novice Youth Card.
Novice Youth cards must be applied for using a Novice Youth application. A Temporary Novice Youth card may be obtained at an APHA-approved show; however, an additional rush fee will be incurred. To review your Novice eligibility, check out the Exhibitor Novice Eligibility page of our APHA Online Services site!
Youth Walk-Trot (ages 5-10)
Exhibitors must possess an individual AjPHA membership.
Youth Walk-Trot (ages 11-18)
Exhibitors must possess an individual AjPHA membership and Walk-Trot 11-18 card.
A Youth Walk-Trot 11-18 card must be applied for using a Youth Walk-Trot 11-18 application. A Temporary Youth Walk-Trot 11-18 card may be obtained at an APHA-approved show; however, an additional rush fee will be incurred.
No individual membership or separate card needed.
Each year, APHA approves over 1,200 shows in the United States, Canada and abroad. Chances are, there’s a show near you! For a list of upcoming events in your area, please refer to our Calendar of Events or contact your local AjPHA regional club.
We know that your riding and equine activities are as diverse as the Paints we register. Through the Paint Alternative Competition Program, you are recognized for accomplishments in competitive events outside of APHA-approved shows or for just spending time in the saddle with your Paint. The PAC program has multiple programs that feed into it such as PAC Recreational Riding, E-Shows and other events outside of APHA. Participation records your accomplishments on your Paint’s official performance record and you could earn prizes and year-end awards!
A few important pieces of paperwork are essential to showing your horse. Before you head to a show, make sure you have physical or digital versions of the following:
- Health and/or Coggins Papers: Check with show management and your state veterinarian’s office to determine exactly what paperwork is required to transport your horse to the show facility.
- Membership and Enrollments Cards: Your membership card and/or enrollment card, a legible photocopy or digital download must be presented at the show.
- Registration Papers: A copy of your horse’s registration papers must be presented at the show. Amateur and Youth exhibitors must be able to prove ownership by presenting the APHA registration certificate or a legible photocopy with the correct owner’s name printed on the certificate by the APHA office. Exhibitors showing leased horses must present the APHA Show Lease certificate, physically or digitally.