Youth Leadership Opportunities
Leadership is a great way for AjPHA members to make a difference in their organization and gain valuable skills that will benefit them throughout life. Youth leadership opportunities are available within the AjPHA Board of Directors. Two groups make up the AjPHA Board of Directors: the AjPHA state directors and AjPHA officers. Additionally, AjPHA provides other leadership opportunities on a local level through regional club officers.
Youth Leadership Gathering

Leadership opportunities start on the local level in your AjPHA regional club. We encourage our members to become active in leadership in their Youth regional club. This allows you to make a difference right at home while making your club the best it can be.
State directors are Youth representatives for the state or country in which they live. These leaders promote and support AjPHA within their state and are voting members who will have a say in the rules, by-laws and AjPHA board. State directors serve from August 1 through July 31 of the following year.
How to Become a State Director
- The ideal national director is an active, involved AjPHA member with a passion for improving the association. If you have an active AjPHA membership, are in good standing and are 17 years of age or younger as of January 1 the year you will take office, then you are eligible to become a national director.
- Get nominated! Nominations are accepted April 1 to May 15. Regional club youth advisors may nominate members, or individuals may nominate themselves with the submission of five other current Youth members in their area endorsing the nomination.
- After nominations are received, voting opens. Voting is conducted online. All votes must be cast by July 1, and all current AjPHA members are eligible to vote.
2025 nominations open April 1.
The Youth Advisor Nomination Forms were emailed directly to them. The form below is for Youth who wish to self-nominate.
Current Directors
Name | State |
Awbrey Alvarado | TX |
Christina Andognini | TX |
Briana Bachman | IL |
Angel Baer | TX |
Lucy Berghorst | MI |
Stella Boyer | WA |
Morgan Brown | MN |
Aryha Carter | CA |
Drew Dayhuff | IN |
Colten Dulin | ID |
Amelia Dulin | ID |
Journey Frericks | IL |
Peytyn Goodin | TX |
Hailey Hallett | WA |
Avery Hallett | WA |
Emma Hartmann | IL |
Izzy Hostetler | IL |
Jaeann James | KS |
Ethan Jones | MI |
Rachel Jones | MI |
Teagan Kallus | TX |
Shelby Kee | AR |
LeiLani Landon | TN |
McKenzie Long | FL |
Ava Mariotti | FL |
Alyssa Martin | WA |
Megan Motes | CA |
Peyton Pelton | FL |
Lila Schniker | MI |
Hailey Smith | MI |
Natalie Snapp | OH |
Raegen Strange | IL |
Megan Waugh | Alberta |
Two Youth leadership groups, the AjPHA state directors and the AjPHA officers, represent members of the American Junior Paint Horse Association on the national level. AjPHA officers oversee all AjPHA affairs, report the status of the association to members, and help govern and direct the course of AjPHA.
How to Get Elected
The ideal officer is an active state director looking to expand their impact on the AjPHA program. All officer candidates must have served as an AjPHA state director for at least one year before applying. Candidates must be at least 12 years of age or older as of January 1 of the current year.
If you’re interested in serving as an AjPHA officer, submit your application by May 15. Make sure you know the responsibilities of the office you are applying for before you submit your application. If you have any questions, contact the APHA director of Youth and Amateur activities.
After you apply, start campaigning! Voting takes place during the annual AjPHA Membership Convention. Convince your fellow APHA members that you should be their representative.
2025 applications open April 1.
AjPHA Board of Directors Project
Part of the AjPHA president’s role is developing an AjPHA Board of Directors project that they pursue during their office term. The AjPHA Board of Directors Project must be measurable and benefit AjPHA members in some way.
Current Project
Makenna Noon’s project, titled “Bridging the Gap: Connecting Youth to the World of Paint Horses,” aims to reduce the barriers preventing young people from getting involved with Paint Horses. Makenna’s project has three goals. First, she strives to increase accessibility by making participation easier for youths with limited resources. Second, she looks to improve participation by leveraging Paynt Points and by exploring scholarship opportunities. Finally, Makenna hopes to collaborate with other youth organizations to create more opportunities for young people to interact with Paint Horses.
Current Officers
2024-2025 Officers
AjPHA President | Makenna Noon |
AjPHA President-Elect |
Natalie Snapp |
AjPHA Vice President | Christina Andognini |
AjPHA Secretary | Colten Dulin |
AjPHA Treasurer | N/A |
Zone 1 Representative | Colten Dulin |
Zone 2 Representative | N/A |
Zone 3 Representative | N/A |
Zone 4 Representative | Christina Andognini |
Zone 5 Representative | Morgan Brown |
Zone 6 Representative | N/A |
Zone 7 Representative | N/A |
Zone 8 Representative | Natalie Snapp |
Zone 9 Representative | Ava Mariotti |
Zone 10 Representative | N/A |
Zone 11 Representative | N/A |
Zone 12 Representative | N/A |