Make Your Mark: Art & Photo Contest
Are you an aspiring artist or a Paint Horse paparazzo? Showcase your talent, win awards and let thousands of people see your artwork and photos at the APHA World Show by participating in one of our art contests!
Art Contest
- To participate, you must be an AjPHA or APHA member.
- Two age groups are offered:
- 13 & Under
- 14-18
- All artwork must be original and created by the Youth member submitting the entry.
- Subject: The artwork must feature a registered Paint Horse.
- The artwork may also include other animals or people. If people are part of the artwork, a model release (included with the entry form) must accompany the submission.
- Size: Artwork must be a minimum of 4″ x 4″ and maximum 24″ x 24″
- Accepted Mediums: Pen and ink, pencil, crayon, acrylic, watercolor, oil paints, colored pencil, pastels, chalk and charcoal.
- Mediums are prone to smudging, must be sprayed with a fixative and submitted with a protective cover.
- Artwork must be one-dimensional; no clay or sculptures are accepted.
- Entry Limits: Applicants may submit only one art entry.
- Judging: Judging will be based on the rubrics attached to the entry form.
- Artwork must be signed, and an entry form must be attached to the back.
- APHA and/or APHA’s partners may use artwork and prints in any manner for display, promotion or publication.
- No entries will be accepted by email.
- Upon request, artwork entries will be returned, and winning entries may be retained for approximately one year for display purposes.
- Applicants will only be eligible for one prize, regardless of number of entries they submit between the art and photography contests.
2024 Winners
2024 Winners
Photography Contest
- To participate, you must be an AjPHA or APHA member.
- There are two age groups:
- 13 & Under
- 14-18
- All photos must be original and created by the youth member submitting the entry.
- Subject: The photo must feature a registered Paint Horse.
- The photo may also include other animals or people. If people are part of the artwork, a model release (included with the entry form) must accompany the submission.
- Size: Photos must be submitted as an 8″x10″
- Photos can be submitted in black and white or color.
- Entry Limits: Applicants may submit up to three entries.
- Judging: Judging will be based on the rubrics attached to the entry form.
- The entry form must be attached to the back of the photo
- APHA and/or APHA’s partners may use artwork and prints in any manner for display, promotion or publication.
- No entries will be accepted by email.
- APHA retains ownership of photographs, no photography entries will be returned.
- Applicants will only be eligible for one prize, regardless of number of entries they submit between the art and photography contests.
In each age group:
- 1st Place: $150
- 2nd Place: $125
- 3rd Place: $100
- 4th Place: $75
- 5th Place: $50
Winning entries will also be displayed on the website.
Rules and Deadlines
All entries must be mailed to APHA Headquarters and postmarked by June 15th.
Attn: Youth Department
122 E. Exchange Ave
Fort Worth, TX 76164
2025 Contest Details Coming Soon
Coloring Contest
- Find the coloring page for your age division below.
- 7 & Under
- 8-13
- 14-18
- Show off your artistic talents by coloring that page.
- Submit your masterpiece! If you are at the World Show, pin it to the board. If you’re at home, scan or take a picture of the page and send to the Director of Youth and Amateur Activities.
- Watch for the winners! The winning artwork from each age division will be featured on APHA’s social media!