Regional Clubs
Regional clubs are organizations that help support the American Paint Horse Association and promote the Paint Horse in localized areas (states, provinces, countries). They provide opportunities for likeminded enthusiasts to convene and celebrate the Paint Horse through various activities, like competitions, clinics, trail rides and more.
APHA regional clubs bring APHA to you. Clubs are known for having a friendly atmosphere, a high regard for their members and promoting family values.
These clubs are as diverse as the Paint Horse, but they share common goals of educating the public about APHA, encouraging Paint breeding for conformation and athletic ability, providing an opportunity to show Paints and hosting social events and other activities for those who don’t want to compete, all at a local level.
Regional club membership is not limited to a single club. An individual can belong to as many regional clubs as they choose. Most APHA members belong to multiple clubs for competition purposes. Membership is often required to participate in club shows and to be eligible for that club’s year-end awards.
Regional clubs are also a great way to begin your leadership journey with APHA. Clubs can make recommendations to the Nominating & Leadership Development Committee of potential leaders. The NLDC committee nominates candidates to be voted into the APHA Board of Directors and state directors. State directors represent the interest of the regional clubs to the entire APHA community.

Club Zones

- Zone 1: Alaska, British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington
- Zone 2: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada and Utah
- Zone 3: Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming
- Zone 4: New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas
- Zone 5: Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri and Wisconsin
- Zone 6: Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee
- Zone 7: Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and West Virginia
- Zone 8: Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan and Ohio
- Zone 9: Caribbean Islands, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina
- Zone 10: Alberta, Manitoba, North West Territories, Saskatchewan and Yukon
- Zone 11: New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island and Quebec
- Zone 12: Europe and Israel
- Zone 13: Central and South America
- Zone 14: All other countries
Get Connected!

Current Clubs
APHA regional clubs are located across the United States and around the world to serve our members, no matter where they live. Find a club of fellow Paint Horse enthusiasts near you and get involved. Find your club today!

Start a Club
APHA and its regional clubs are driven by the enthusiasm of our members and volunteers. If there is not already a club in your area, start one! Learn the steps to start an APHA regional club here.

Club Resources
APHA is here to help your regional club thrive, and the regional club resources provided online include additional support and benefits available for you to access all the time. Check out our regional club resources for additional information.