Results, Awards & Standings
Discover the culmination of hard work and dedication from our talented participants throughout the year. Learn more about year-end awards that celebrate top achievers in each APHA competition division, explore perpetual awards that celebrate landmark accomplishments in the APHA show ring, and research performance records to discover what awards your Paint and others have won. Detailed qualification requirements are found in the current APHA Rule Book.

Show Results
Show producers submit competition results to the APHA office following their event. These results are audited by staff for accuracy. It can take up to three weeks after a show ends for results to post on your horse’s APHA record. Corrections to results must be submitted within one year of the show date; after one year all results are final. Email questions about show results to
Awards & Standings
- Register of Merit—A Register of Merit is awarded to a horse who has won 10 or more points in a single event in a specific division.
- Superior Event—A Superior Event award is presented to a horse who earns 50 or more points in a single event in a specific division.
- Champion—An APHA Champion award is presented to a horse/exhibitor who earns at least 40 points in a minimum of five competitions under five or more judges in a single division: Open, Amateur or Youth. At least 16 points must be earned in halter classes, and at least 16 points must be earned in performance classes. At least five points must be earned in two different performance event categories.
- Performance Versatility—A Performance Versatility title is awarded to a horse earning five Registers of Merit in at least four different categories of a specific division and a Superior award in at least one of those five events. This award is available in the Open, Amateur and Youth divisions.
- Supreme Amateur Champion & Supreme Youth Champion—These Superior Champion awards are presented to a horse/exhibitor combination who earn at least 270 points in the Amateur or Youth division. At least 30 of those points must be won in the applicable division’s halter classes, with a maximum of 15 of those points being earned in the yearling year. At least 240 of those points must have been won in the applicable division’s performance classes. The combination must also earn a Superior in four different event categories, and a Register of Merit in four other categories in the division. Categories are specified in Rule AM-030 or YP-025.
- Superior All-Around—A Superior All-Around award is presented to a horse earning a Superior award in halter and at least one performance event, along with additional Registers of Merit in four of the five performance categories. This award is presented only in the Open division.
- Supreme Champion—The highest perpetual award presented by APHA, the Supreme Champion title is awarded to a horse that has won at least 80 points in recognized halter and performance events at APHA-approved competition, with at least 30 points earned at halter and at least 50 points earned in performance events. No more than 10 points may be counted in a single performance event. The horse must be named grand champion at halter in at least five APHA-approved competitions under five or more judges. The horse must have earned at least one Register of Merit in Categories II-IV and IX, have earned at least four racing points and have run at least one race with an official speed index of no less than 80. This award is presented in the Open division only.
- PAC Certificate of Recognition—A Certificate of Recognition is earned when a PAC-enrolled horse earns at least 20 credits in any one approved category or 500 PAC recreational riding hours.
- PAC Certificate of Achievement—A Certificate of Achievement is earned when a PAC–enrolled horse earns at least 60 credits in any one approved category or 1,500 recreational riding hours.
- PAC Superior Achievement—A PAC Superior Achievement award is earned when a PAC-enrolled horse earns 10,000 recreational riding hours.
- PAC Versatility Champion—The Open PAC Versatility Champion title is earned when a PAC–enrolled horse earns Certificates of Achievement in at least five different Open PAC categories. The PAC Youth Versatility Champion title is earned when a PAC-enrolled horse earns Certificates of Achievement in at least five different Youth PAC categories.
- Top 20—Top 20 and Top 10 awards are presented to the horses/exhibitors who earn greatest number of points under 20 judges during a calendar year. At least eight points are required to qualify for these awards. APHA World Championship Show points are excluded. Top 20 awards are presented in: Open Horse, Amateur, Masters Amateur, Amateur Walk-Trot, Novice Amateur, Youth 14-18, Youth 13 & Under and Novice Youth. Top 10 awards are presented in Open Solid Paint-Bred, Amateur Solid Paint-Bred, Youth Solid Paint-Bred and Amateur Solid Paint-Bred Walk-Trot.
- Rookie of the Year—Rookie of the Year awards honor the top point-earners in their first year of APHA competition.
- The Novice Youth Rookie of the Year award is based on total points accumulated by a horse/exhibitor combination in a single calendar year. APHA World Championship Show points are excluded. Eligible exhibitors cannot have won any equine association points, money or world/reserve world titles at any time prior to the year of the award (excluding Youth Walk-Trot and Youth halter points). The exhibitor must be a first-time AjPHA Novice Youth cardholder and ownership requirements must be met. At least six points must be earned to be eligible.
- The Amateur Rookie of the Year award is based on total points accumulated by a horse/exhibitor combination in a single calendar year. Points can be accumulated in Amateur, Novice Amateur or Amateur Walk-Trot, but are counted separately for each division. APHA World Championship Show points are excluded. Eligible exhibitors cannot have won any equine association points, money or world/reserve world titles at any time prior to the year of the award (in Open, Youth, Novice Youth, Amateur, Novice Amateur or Amateur Walk-Trot). The exhibitor must be a first-time APHA Amateur cardholder, and ownership requirements must be met. At least eight points must be earned to be eligible.
- Honor Roll—Honor Roll awards are presented to the 10 top-earning horses/exhibitors in a single event for a specific division during the calendar year. To be eligible for the award, at least 10 points must be earned. Individual divisions based on horse age are recognized in Open halter and performance events, but awards are only presented to the overall division winner of each event. APHA World Championship Show points are excluded.
- Zone Top 5—This award recognizes the top five horses/exhibitors in each member zone, based on total points earned within the respective zone in which the horse is owned (Open division) or the respective zone in which the exhibitor lives (Amateur and Youth division) during a calendar year. APHA World Championship Show points are excluded. At least eight points are required in the Open and Amateur divisions, and at least six points are required in the Youth division.
- Ranch Horse High-Point—The Ranch Horse High-Point award is presented in each division to the horse/exhibitor earning the most overall points in all ranch classes combined. Horses must earn at least one point in the following ranch classes to be eligible for this award: ranch trail, ranch pleasure, ranch reining, ranch cow class (cow work or cutting), ranch rail pleasure and ranch riding. APHA World Championship Show points are excluded.
- PBRIP High-Point Champion—The PBRIP High-Point Champion award is presented to the participant who earns the greatest number of points in the Paint Barrel Racing Incentive Program in a single calendar year. PBRIP year-end champions and reserve champions are also recognized for each barrel racing 4D category.
- Six PAC Top Five—Six PAC Top Five awards recognize the top-earning overall PAC credit-earners in a single year, with special recognition for the top five Youth PAC credit-earners as well. Credits must be earned in at least six different open or Youth categories, based on the award. Credits are accumulated by the horse, and all ownership and PAC requirements must be met to be eligible for these awards.
- PAC Category Year-End Leaders—The PAC enrolled horse that earns the most credits during the calendar year in a given category and an appropriate award will be awarded to the horse’s owner for the Open division and the Youth(s) for the Youth division. A horse must have earned at least 10 credits in that category during that year to qualify. In Zones 12, 13 and 14, Year End awards will also be given to the top 5 horses in each zone accumulating ten (10) or more credits in all categories combined.
- Six PAC Champion—The Six PAC Champion award recognizes a PAC-enrolled horse that places first in at least six different year-end categories on the PAC Leaders List in a single year. All ownership and PAC requirements must be met to be eligible for this award.
- USDF All-Breeds Award—APHA is a participating organization in the USDF All-Breeds Award, which recognizes registered Paint Horses competing in U.S. Dressage Federation events. APHA recognizes the champion and reserve champion Paints in the following divisions: Open, Junior/Young Rider, Adult Amateur and Vintage Cup. The horse must be registered with APHA and the current owner at USDF must match APHA records; the owner must be a current APHA member to be eligible. For more information about this award, visit USDF.
- Leading Sires/Dams/Breeders—These lists reflect halter and performance statistics collected on leading sires, dams and breeders of Paint Horses, including class winners and points earned. Both year-end and lifetime charts are generated.
- APHA Racing Champions—APHA Running Horse Champion titles are presented to racehorses annually in various age/sex categories based on Racing Committee voting results. Overall age-division champions and world champions are selected, along with honoring racing Honor Roll winners, regional racing award winners, and special leading category winners (owner, breeder, trainer, jockey and more).
- Previous Year-End Standings can be viewed HERE
Top 20 & Solid Paint Bred Top 10
Open (Regular Registry & Solid Paint Bred), Amateur (19-44, Masters, Novice, Walk Trot & Solid Paint Bred), Youth (13&U, 14-18, Novice & Solid Paint Bred)
- Top 20 & SPB Top 10 #1: Martin Saddlery Western Trophy Saddle, Gist Trophy Buckle
- Top 20 #2-20 & SPB Top 10 #2-10: Gist Trophy Buckle
Honor Roll
Open (Regular Registry & Solid Paint Bred), Amateur (19-44, Masters, Novice, Walk Trot & Solid Paint Bred), Youth (13&U, 14-18, Novice & Solid Paint Bred)
- Honor Roll Champion: Gist Trophy Buckle
- Honor Roll Reserve Champion: $60 PH Barn Door Gift Card
- Honor Roll 1-10 Place: Certificate
Age Specific Honor Roll
Yearling, 2YO, 3YO, 4YO & Older Halter and Performance Halter (Mares, Stallions & Geldings), 2YO & 3YO Western Pleasure, 2YO & 3YO Hunter Under Saddle, Junior & Senior Performance Classes
- Age Specific Honor Roll Champion: $75 PH Barn Door Gift Card
- Age Specific Honor Roll Reserve Champion: $45 PH Barn Door Gift Card
- Age Specific Honor Roll 1-10 Place: Certificate
Ranch Horse High Point
Open (Regular Registry & Solid Paint Bred), Amateur, Novice Amateur, Amateur Solid Paint Bred, Youth, Novice Youth & Youth Solid Paint Bred
- Division Champion: Martin Saddlery Western Saddle
Zone Awards (Zones 1-14)
Open (Regular Registry & Solid Paint Bred), Amateur (19-44, Masters, Novice, Walk Trot & Solid Paint Bred), Youth (13&U, 14-18, Novice & Solid Paint Bred)
- Zone Champions: $85 PH Barn Door Gift Card
- Zone Reserve Champions: $50 PH Barn Door Gift Card
- Zone 3-5 Place: $35 PH Barn Door Gift Card
- Zone 1-5 Place: Certificate
Rookie of the Year
Amateur & Novice Youth
- Champion: Gist Trophy Buckle
PAC Awards
- PAC Category & Int’l Zone Champions: $75 PH Barn Door Gift Card
- PAC Category & Int’l Zone Reserve Champions: $40 PH Barn Door Gift Card
- PAC Category & Int’l Zone 3-5 Place: $25 PH Barn Door Gift Card
- PAC Category & Int’l Zone 1-10 Place: Certificate
- Open & Youth Six PAC Top 5 #1: $75 PH Barn Door Gift Card
- Open & Youth Six PAC Top 5 #2: $60 PH Barn Door Gift Card
- Open & Youth Six PAC Top 5 #3-5: $45 PH Barn Door Gift Card
Questions about Year End Awards? Please contact Awards Manager, Amanda Kresta.
PH Barn Door Gift Cards can be used on any item on the PH Barn Door website.
Questions about orders placed at the PH Barn Door? Please contact Kathryn Allen.