A youth exhibitor showing off their scholarship check.
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Give back to your Paint Horse community on #GivingTuesday

Give back to your Paint Horse community on #GivingTuesday The American Paint Horse Foundation, APHA’s charitable arm, has joined #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving that harnesses the collective power of individuals, communities and organizations to encourage philanthropy and celebrate generosity worldwide. Join us...
AjPHA Virtual Triathlon logo on a computer screen.
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horseIQ Virtual Youth Triathlon crowns inaugural champions

horseIQ Virtual Youth Triathlon crowns inaugural champions Cadence Blackwood and Taylor Mack topped the field when it came to showing their horse knowledge in the inaugural horseIQ Virtual Youth Triathlon. This three-part online challenge took place September through November 2023. Participants competed in prepared public...
2023 PAC Awards.
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4th Annual PAC World Championship E-Show crowns champions

4th Annual PAC World Championship E-Show crowns champions The 2023 PAC World Championship E-Show crowned more than 70 PAC world and reserve world champions. The event took place September 1-October 16 on the APHA E-Shows platform. The fourth-annual Paint Alternative Competition world championship event featured entries...
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