
Leadership Opportunities

Leadership is a great way for AjPHA members to make a difference in their organization and gain valuable skills that will benefit them throughout life. AjPHA offers several leadership opportunities to our members.

AjPHA Regional Club Officer

Leadership opportunities start on the local level. Members can become active in leadership in their regional club. This allows youth to make a difference right at home, and get involved in making their club all that it can be.

AjPHA National Director

National Directors are representatives of the state that they live in. They promote and support AjPHA within their state, and are voting members for the rules, by-laws and executive committee of AjPHA.

AjPHA Executive Committee

The AjPHA Executive Committee is responsible for overseeing all of the affairs of the association, reporting the status of the association to members, and helping govern and direct the course of AjPHA.

Game Changers

The Game Changers Program allows AjPHA National Directors to participate as non-voting members on APHA Advisory Committees. The mission of this program is to enable Youth to participate on APHA committees and learn more about their roles in APHA.

Leadership Events

QUESTIONS? Please contact APHA’s Director of Youth Activities at heichman@apha.com.