State directors pass 27 rule change proposals at 2025 APHA Leadership Gathering
Paint Horse enthusiasts and leaders gathered for the 2025 APHA Leadership Gathering in the Fort Worth Stockyards to educate, elevate and engage with fellow horsemen and make a difference in the association’s future.
Following the considerable discussions, APHA state directors passed 27 new rule changes. That included modifications that will allow international exhibitors in Zones 12, 13 and 14 to show up to two horses in hunt-seat equitation and Western horsemanship. New classes for English and Western Versatility Pattern classes and Open Breakaway Roping will also be added.
The 2025 APHA Leadership Gathering took place February 27-March 2, 2025, in Fort Worth, Texas. Rule change proposal voting took place immediately after the Leadership Gathering concluded; voting was open until 11:59 p.m. CST on March 3. State directors who attended both State Director Meetings in-person at the 2025 APHA Leadership Gathering received the opportunity to vote.
Attendees also participated in feedback on APHA’s strategic plan progress, helping direct areas of emphasis for future work. They connected during parties and exclusive experiences, like a behind-the-scenes tour of Highpoint Performance Horses, a “Paint Your Paint” art activity, Stockyards Championship Rodeo and a Stockyards-centric pub crawl. The American Paint Horse Foundation also hosted more than 150 guests at the John Wayne Museum for its inaugural “Drinks With A Legend” event.
Voting Results following the 2025 APHA Leadership Gathering
The following rule change proposals were passed with early implementation in 2025, with the date to be determined by staff:
- CONTROL #GR-040—Broadens the areas under which a reply to a reasonable request is required to aid in research and investigations of matters outlined in the rulebook. (76 votes for, 2 votes against; passed with 97.44%)
- CONTROL #GR-060—Allows the association to take action against members who have been indicted and/or convicted in a court of law of an offense involving inhumane treatment or cruelty to animals. (77 votes for, 1 vote against; passed with 98.72%)
- CONTROL #RG-105—Updates verbiage and eliminates the need to apply for an Enrollment for Breeding status on APHA stallions. (76 votes for, 2 votes against; passed with 97.44%)
- CONTROL #SC-105-4—Allows ancillary judges to judge any class at a show instead of being limited to individual work classes, as long as they are aligned with the same primary show judge throughout the event. (73 votes for, 5 votes against; passed with 93.59%)
- CONTROL #SC-110—Removes the requirement to line up in order of placings under each judge to follow current practices, but still requires that shows recognize placings. (74 votes for, 4 votes against; passed with 94.87%)
- CONTROL #SC-286—Changes the acceptable barriers in steer stopping from only a rope barrier to a rope barrier or an electric eye. (78 votes for, 0 votes against; passed with 100%)
- CONTROL #SC-290—Failing to lope for a minimum of ¾ of the pattern will be a disqualification in speed events. (72 votes for, 5 votes against; passed with 93.51%)
- CONTROL #AM-110—Eliminates the line up and the rail work in hunt-seat equitation for International Zones 12, 13 and 14 in the Youth and Amateur divisions, making it possible to show up to two horses in hunt-seat equitation. (56 votes for, 18 votes against; passed with 75.68%)
- CONTROL #AM-115—Eliminates the line up and the rail work in Western horsemanship for International Zones 12, 13 and 14 in the Amateur and Youth divisions, making it possible to show up to two horses in Western horsemanship. (55 votes for, 19 votes against; passed with 74.32%)
The following rule change proposals were passed by state directors with normal implementation January 1, 2026:
- CONTROL #SC-015—Simplifies the language regarding qualifying age and eliminates point caps on yearlings for perpetual awards. (76 votes for, 1 vote against; passed with 98.70%)
- CONTROL #SC-090—Decreases the mileage restriction for APHA shows from 250 miles to 200 miles. (68 votes for, 10 votes against; passed with 87.18%)
- CONTROL #SC-095—Removes minimum required classes from 1- and 2-judge shows held in conjunction with other shows and reduces the number of minimum required classes for shows with three or more judges. (76 votes for, 2 votes against; passed with 97.44%)
- CONTROL #SC-105-2—Allows recognized livestock shows and state fairs to hold one 4-judge POR per year without APHA regional club sponsorship, instead of being limited to 3-judge PORs. (75 votes for, 3 votes against; passed with 96.15%)
- CONTROL #SC-105-3—Prohibits show management from running timed events under each judge. (76 votes for, 2 votes against; passed with 97.44%)
- CONTROL #SC-145—Removes the Show All-Around Award from the section of the rulebook governed by the state directors and moves it to the back of the rulebook. (76 votes for, 2 votes against; passed with 97.44%)
- CONTROL #SC-150—Removes the Show High-Point Performance Award from the section of the rulebook governed by the state directors and moves it to the back of the rulebook. (76 votes for, 2 votes against; passed with 97.44%)
- CONTROL #SC-155—Provides guidance for shows in awarding ribbons to participants. (76 votes for, 1 vote against; passed with 98.70%)
- CONTROL #SC-204—Adds English Versatility Pattern class. (75 votes for, 2 votes against; passed with 97.4%)
- CONTROL #SC-247—Adds Western Versatility Pattern class. (75 votes for, 2 votes against; passed with 97.4%)
- CONTROL #SC-283—Adds Breakaway Roping to the Open Division. (76 votes for, 2 votes against; passed with 97.44%)
- CONTROL #SC-309—Removes Ranch Horse Reining Pattern #3. (76 votes for, 1 vote against; passed with 98.70%)
- CONTROL #JU-000—Removes the class restrictions on ancillary judges. (73 votes for, 5 votes against; passed with 93.59%)
- CONTROL #AM-205-1—Changes the current reinstatement rules to allow points to be adjusted after 10 years, regardless of whether the individual has become ineligible for Novice status. (71 votes for, 5 votes against; passed with 93.42%)
- CONTROL #AM-300—Creates the option to split Amateur Walk-Trot into two divisions: Amateur Walk-Trot and Masters Walk-Trot. (65 votes for, 12 votes against; passed with 84.42%)
- CONTROL #YP-075-1—Reduces the 13 & Under classes required at shows with three or more judges from five classes to three classes, and removes 13 & Under classes from being required at standalone 1- and 2-judge shows and at shows held in Zones 12, 13 and 14. (63 votes for, 13 votes against; passed with 82.89%)
- CONTROL #YP-205—Removes the ownership requirement for youth exhibitors in Novice classes, while allowing them to keep their points. (60 votes for, 16 votes against; passed with 78.95%)
- CONTROL #RA-000—Modifies the registration requirements for stakes race eligibility in racehorses. (76 votes for, 0 votes against; passed with 100%)
The following rule change proposals were defeated by state director votes:
- CONTROL #SC-185-1—Increases the maximum number of horses an exhibitor can show in a class from five to eight in the Open division, three to five in the Amateur division, and two to five in the Youth division. This also removes the exceptions for longe line and in-hand trail, so the maximum allowed for those classes simply follow their division rules. (14 votes for, 63 votes against; failed with 81.82%)
- CONTROL #AM-085—Reclassifies showmanship at halter from a group class to an individually worked class, allowing Amateur and Youth exhibitors to show multiple horses in showmanship. (18 votes for, 58 votes against; failed with 76.32%)
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About APHA
The American Paint Horse Association is the world’s second-largest international equine breed association. Since it was founded in 1962, APHA has registered more than a million horses in 59 nations and territories. APHA promotes, preserves and provides meaningful experiences with Paint Horses. Learn more at