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Equibrand joins the APHA Corporate Partner lineup

Equibrand joins the APHA Corporate Partner lineup

Equibrand is the newest corporate partner to join the American Paint Horse Association team. This partnership provides new access to Equibrand’s stable of storied brands.

Equibrand, based in Granbury, Texas, was created in 1996 to unite the respected Classic Rope and Classic Equine brands. The company now encompasses premier brands dedicated to serving the performance horse industry. That includes brands like Classic Equine, Martin Saddlery, Cashel, Classic Rope and Rattler Rope.

Martin Saddlery will become the official saddle of APHA. As part of the agreement, Martin Saddlery will be presented for select year-end APHA awards and all-around titles at the APHA World Championship Show. APHA will showcase other products from the Equibrand family as part of other specialty award packages.

“We are very excited to work with Equibrand to provide top-quality awards for our members,” APHA Senior Director of Business Development Kurt Crawford said. “Their products epitomize craftsmanship. The folks at Equibrand are competitors themselves, so they know the products that work and how to make them last.”

Equibrand Chief Marketing Officer Billie Bray is excited to get the partnership rolling, too.

“We are extremely proud to partner with the American Paint Horse Association,” she said. “APHA is a progressive, innovative group that is continuously raising the bar in the horse industry. Their commitment to our industry is evident from their presence at the Fort Worth Stockyards to their premier events with high-level competition and payouts. Martin Saddlery, Classic Equine, Cashel Company and Rattler Rope share values and missions that align perfectly with APHA. We look forward to what we can accomplish together.”



[Reprinting all or part of this news release is permitted, so long as credit is given to the Paint Horse Journal and a link provided back to apha.com.]


About APHA

The American Paint Horse Association is the world’s second-largest international equine breed association. Since it was founded in 1962, APHA has registered more than a million horses in 59 nations and territories. APHA promotes, preserves and provides meaningful experiences with Paint Horses. Learn more at apha.com.